Thursday, September 16, 2010

Third Trimester Already?!

Yesterday (9/16/10) Brian and I went to my 28 week visit. That is 7 months for those of you who don't know the whole week counting thing. I know I used to hate it when people told you how far along they are in weeks not months, but now that I am pregnant, that is just how the doctors do things, so I will say it both ways.

Anyway, we went to the appointment, and everything looks good, my belly is measuring 28 cm and you should measure 1cm for every week pregnant you are, so I am right on the money. I asked the doctor how that works because not all women are the same size, and some are heavier than others when they get pregnant. But Dr. Haskett said that pretty much all women have the same size uterus. So they measure from the top of the pubic bone to the top of your uterus, and most women fit around the same average of centimeters to weeks preggo. He was a little more calm yesterday (I am pretty sure he was sleeping when I went in for my appointment) but his heartbeat was 147 beats per minute (the slowest it has been) but Dr.H said that it was perfect, and that it is normal for him to be more active on some days, and calm on others.

I only have 2 more "Dressed Visits" left! That means that after the next 2 visits Dr.H will start checking me to see if I am dilated! I can't believe time is going by so fast! I need to get busy on all the stuff I have left to do!

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