Monday, August 30, 2010


Sorry for so many posts about my pregnancy, but I am using this blog to document big pregnancy moments so I can scrapbook them later and know what dates things happened on.

Brian has been totally bummed because I have been feeling the baby kick for about a month now, and he hasn't been able to feel him. (thanks again to the placement of my placenta) And Nathan and Ben have both felt their sons kicking and Bri was feeling like the odd man out. ha ha... Well last night (8/29/10) we were laying in bed and the baby was kicking me like crazy and I knew Brian would be able to feel him ( I mean if David Beckham was kicking in your stomach you would think people would be able to feel it from the outside right?!) Well at first he still couldn't feel him, but finally Brian jumped back and said "Whoa! There he is!" Then we sat there for a while, and Brian was able to interact with his son for the first time. It was a very special moment that I will always remember.

1 comment:

  1. I started to feel my baby kick around 17 weeks.. Connor couldn't feel them for a while either! Just wait till your further along, you'll start to see huge kicks on the outside if your tummy, its amazing! You'll love it :)
