Monday, August 23, 2010

6 month (24 weeks)

We had my 24 week (6 month) appointment on 8/18/10

We had to do an ultrasound before because our baby was a stinker pot last time and wouldn't show us his lips. He kept holding his hands in front of his mouth, and wouldn't budge! This time he behaved himself and we were able to see that he does not have a cleft pallet. We were also able to see that he is already learned how to swallow! We could watch him open and close his mouth and see the amniotic fluid go down his throat into his stomach! It was really fascinating.

They had also told us at our 20 week appointment that he would probably double in size from week 20 to week 24 and our baby TRIPLED! He went from weighing 8 ounces to 1 and 1/2 pounds! (24 ounces) I posted the "money shot" again not so you can ogle at my son's junk, but so you can see how chunky his little legs are! Brian's mom and my mom were at the appointment with me (Brian had to work) and when we saw his legs, Delaine (Bri's mom) said, "Those definitely aren't Brian's legs!" and my mom responds with, "Nope, he got those from his momma!" as much as I hate to admit it, she is right...Poor kid. Maybe he will be taller and stretch them out when he is older, but I think chubby legs are super cute on babies, so at least he will be cute! He is measuring a little over a week small still, but that isn't as small as he was last time so he is catching up.

He is kicking like crazy (making up for lost time I think) and I don't think it will be too much longer until Brian can feel him kicking! I also bought all of the fabric to sew his crib quilt, bumper pad, crib skirt, curtins, and carseat cover. They will all go together, and be super cute. I am also going to try to start painting the murals in the baby's room this week. Very very busy but fun!

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