Thursday, September 23, 2010


So remember when I told you that I am painting the baby's room in a Swamp Theme? Well my mom and I have been working on it little by little and it is really coming along! I was going to make you wait until we are finished to see any pictures but I am way too excited! These pictures were taken about 3 weeks ago, so we are a lot further then the pictures show, but this will give you a little taste of what we are doing.

On another note, I started the baby's crib quilt yesterday. I got all of the pieces cut out and pinned together, so today all I have to do is sew them together. Then after I get that done all I have left is putting the batting in, flipping it right side out, and tieing it! That may sound like a lot to you, but I see light at the end of the tunnel!

Oh and I almost forgot on Sunday night (9/19/10) I had my first set of Braxton Hicks Contractions. At first I just thought my back was sore, but that is nothing new. But then I couldn't get comfortable no matter what I did, and my tummy was contorting into a really hard, pointy shape! It was after the 3rd "wave" of pain hit that I figured out what it was! ha ha, it is hard to believe that I am getting that close to the end! But just so you know, Braxton Hicks aren't just uncomfortable, they hurt! So don't listen to the baby books...they lie! lol


  1. I love the murals! Someday when I get a new house I will pay you and your mom to come paint some stuff for me. Seriously, I would!

  2. Just let us know what you want painted and we will come! I am so excited to finish the murals they are turning out so cute! Oh and you and your mom should sew and sell boy clothes on the shic shoppe, because the clothes are so cute, but not for boys. :(

  3. Oh my gosh! They look so good!!! You guys are artists
