Monday, September 27, 2010

Making Progress....Crib Quilt Done!

So yesterday I finally finished the Crib Quilt I have been sewing! I am IN LOVE with the material, in fact, I first found it when I was shopping for material for the car seat cover my mother-in-law is helping me make. Anyway like I said, I fell in love with it, and bought enough to make the car seat cover. Well, the more I looked at it, I decided that I had to make the crib quilt out of the same material, so back to JoAnn's I went and bought more! (Don't worry I went to 2 different JoAnn's so that the workers didn't think I was crazy! I know I shouldn't care what the cashiers and fabric cutters at the store think, but I can't help it!...maybe that does make me crazy?)

Enough of my rambling...Here are a couple of pictures of the crib quilt I finished last night (9/26/10)

up close so you can see the pattern on the fabric

I bordered it in the matching brown polk a dot material, then made and sewed different colored peaks along the outside of the blanket, and to finish it off I tied it with white yarn.

(The reason the peaks in the bottom right corner are pointing up instead of down is because I had not slip stitched the opening closed yet. No Worries, it looks normal now!)


  1. SUPER CUTE!!! you are so creative heather! Your baby is going to be so cute!

  2. Thanks so much! I hope I have a cute baby, but I am pretty sure I will think he is handsome no matter what! Lol... Evie is so pretty and she is growing so fast! Does it seem like time is flying by? I feel like I just found out I am preggers and I am already 30 weeks! I can only imagine how fast time will go when I finally get to hold him!

  3. yes, time goes by sooooo fast! My lil' girl is already two months!! Your baby boy will be here faster than you know it :)
