Wednesday, July 21, 2010

That's no KICKSTAND, That's MY SON!

Yep that's right, we are having a BABY BOY!!!

On 7/20/2010 Brian and I went to see Dr.H for my 20 week (5 month) check-up. The most important thing they did at the visit was check all of our baby's internal organs, so they could make sure everything was developing correctly. They do this by using a HUGE ultrasound machine. One of the things that is visible at 20 weeks is the baby's gender, but I will talk more on that later. This ultrasound was insane, it was so fun to see our baby look like a baby! (except for when you look at his face straight on, he looks just like an alien!) Our baby weighs 12 Ounces (a can of soda) and is 6 and 1/2 inches long (from the top of the head to the bottom of his tushy) His heart rate is 155 BPM which is a little on the fast end but the ultrasound tech said it was because he was moving around so much! I haven't felt him move yet and I was a little concerned so I asked if that was normal, and Dr.H said that I hadn't felt him because my placenta attached to the front of my stomach. He explained that the placenta can attach anywhere but because of where mine attached it is acting as a shock absorber. So I probably won't feel him moving for another 4 weeks. (He also said that from the looks of the ultrasound I should count my lucky stars I haven't felt him yet because he is one VERY WIGGLY BABY!)

I am proud to introduce you to our little man:
This is his profile when the ultrasound first started, he quickly flipped around to the other side and continued to do somersaults through the ENTIRE ultrasound! ( I love that you can see the teeth that won't start to come in until he is about 6 months)
This is his cute little alien face! They said that when we come back in 4 weeks his face will look more normal and not so extraterrestrial.
Here are our little man's legs from knees to feet.
And speaking of feet here is his little toes!! (see how the 2nd toe is longer than the big toe? Well he got that from his daddy)
As you know Brian thought our baby was going to be a girl, well after seeing our son's business spread eagle he knew a girl was out! The ultrasound Tech got a kick out of these pictures so we got quite a few "junk" shots with clever captions such as the one below that says "WHOA!"!! Ha ha. Brian later asked her if everything looked like it was developing well, and her answer was, "Yes, everything looks great....Except for her vagina!" Our Tech was a hoot and we had a blast.
No doubt about it, our baby is a BOY!!!

Our baby was being a stinker, and kept covering his mouth with his arms and wouldn't let us see his lips to see if he has a cleft pallet or not, so when we go back for our next check-up in 4 weeks we have to have a follow up ultrasound. This is him with his little arm, covering his mouth.

It was so fun to find out we are going to have a boy, and see that he is growing big and strong. I love the ultrasounds because it is the first glimpse of his little personality.

After the Ultrasound we went out to dinner to celebrate with Mom, Liz, and Brian and I. We went to Outback and it was so yummy! I have gone 5 days without throwing up! WAHOO!! Lets pray the morning sickness part is over...(knock on wood)

1 comment:

  1. That little man will definitely be needing some air Jordan booties :) Congrats!
