Friday, July 30, 2010

I Felt the "Swamp Monster" Move!

It is official, I felt our baby move! I was laying down watching "So You Think You Can Dance" last night and I felt my lil' swamp monster kicking away at my lower abdomin. It was so fun! I have been anxiously waiting to be able to feel him and after weeks of poking, shaking, and talking to him he finally kicked hard enough for me to feel! No it didn't feel like bubbles or butterflies, it was a bunch of very recognizable KICKS. I guess I skipped the butterfly and bubbles phase because of where my shock absorbing placenta is attached.

Brian has been wanting to feel the baby move for a long time now too, and so when I told him I could feel him he came over and started to talk and push my tummy. I told him he wouldn't be able to feel it from the outside for a long while but it didn't stop him from poking and proding at the baby. :) He could feel WHERE the baby was but couldn't feel him kick. But what was fun was when Brian was pushing on where the baby was, I could feel the baby kick where his hand was! I guess our swamp monster feels squished enough as it is without his daddy pushing on him! lol It is heart warming to have Brian give me AND the baby a kiss goodbye in the morning, and for him to cuddle me and the baby when he is home. He is going to be such a great daddy, and I know that our son will know his daddy's voice when he is born because Brian talks to him all the time. I love my growing family. :)

*We call our baby the swamp monster because I decided the theme for the baby's room is going to be a swamp! (which is not the same as a JUNGLE by the way. ha ha) My mother-in-law Jan called him a swamp monster first because he lives in water and looks like an alien! :)

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