Thursday, July 8, 2010

Its Official, My Pants Don't Fit!

This morning I was looking in my closet for something to wear to work. I found a cute top, and a comfy pair of cropped dress pants. (I know they are comfy because I wore them to work LAST WEEK) As I started to get dressed I noticed something wasn't quite right, I couldn't get the little hook over to the clasp. In my head I was yelling, "WHAT?! THESE HAVE TO FIT! I JUST WORE THEM LAST WEEK!". I only yelled in my head because I didn't want Brian to hear me because I was a little embarrassed. He noticed I was taking a while to get dressed and says to me, "Are ya struggling there babe?" I turned around with a defeated look on my face, shook my head yes, and said, "My pants don't fit". But I thought of an idea! Having been faced with this problem before, (but not because of a baby belly) I ran to the bed, leaned backward, sucked in the best I could, and tried again to clasp the hook. But it failed miserably. As Brian looked on laughing hysterically I told him I didn't understand why it wasn't working, he then said baby belly is a lot different then "belly belly" (that is what he called it so he didn't get put in the dog house. lol ) I really wanted to wear this outfit today and I wasn't going to let something so silly as non-fitting pants stand in my way so I zipped the zipper as best I could, tied the built in belt, said screw you to the darn hook and clasp, and went to work.

When I got there I was talking to my friend Tina about my morning and she said she could help. I went to her desk and she pulled out a rubber band and a paper clip. (MacGyver much?!) She then threaded it through the clasp and around the hooks twice and bata-bing-bata-boom my pants fit!! I had heard of doing that with the button on jeans but I didn't think I could because the clasp was so small. (that's why she needed the paper clip, she unbent it and used it to thread the rubber band through the clasp) So my pants kinda looked like this only with dress pants and a clasp and hook.

These are NOT MY PANTS

I am sure I will have many more of these moments before this pregnancy is through, but today it took me off guard. I guess its good because it tells me that my baby is growing big and strong at 18 weeks!! Oh that reminds me, you only have 13 more days to vote on the What Gender are we Having Poll. (it is at the top right side of my blog)

Oh and do any of you moms out there have any suggestions for getting your pre-pregnancy clothes to fit longer. I would like to put off buying new maternity clothes as long as I can! If ya do leave me a comment!


  1. I would do the button and hair thing and I would also take a safety pin and put it across the zipper so it wouldn't go down. I figured if the zipper stayed up and my shirt was long enough to cover the undone button, I was ok... Isn't it all just exciting though!

  2. Alli~
    That is a good idea with the safty pin over the zipper. It is staying up pretty good right now, but I am sure as I expand it won't cooperate with me! It is SO EXCITING! We went to the Doctor when I was 17 weeks and they couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler so they rolled in the mini ultra-sound machine and Dr.H tried to see the sex but the little stinker would NOT unclench its legs!! We tried everything but to no avail! So we go back in at 20 weeks (on July 20th) and they will use the BIG Ultra-Sound Machine and look at internal organs, and we will be able to see our baby's "Junk" ha ha I am SO SO SO EXCITED! The waiting is killing me! Especially because Brian thinks it is a girl and I think it is a boy! lol
