Thursday, June 24, 2010

I can't believe they let me do that!!

Since I got pregnant I often find myself thinking about all of the fond memories I had of my childhood. The more I ponder on them and my growing baby I realized that there are many things that my children will probably never experience.

  • Leaving the house first thing in the morning and not returning ALL DAY until it started to get dark. We never told my mom where we were going, and if anything would have happened to us my parents would have had no idea where to start looking
  • POGS/SLAMMERS~ I loved to play pogs, my favorite part of it was winning other pogs from my friends. Kinda like playground gambling.
  • Dirt/Mud~ My all time favorite toy growing up. I had a crazy active imagination and filling small bottles and old pans with dirt/water/and rocks to make everything from pies to slop for pigs to special molds to find evidence so I could catch the bad guys.
  • Firecrackers~ I loved to blow up EVERYTHING with firecrackers. I was very young and George and I had no adult supervision.
  • Riding my Bike to “TOWN”~ we lived 7 miles from Drummond, and I loved to ride my bike on the Frontage Road to my Dad’s Mechanic Shop.
  • Selling Cool-Aid to strangers off of the frontage road. I have had many great discussions with Truck Drivers.
  • School Ski Days~ Twice a year we got to skip school and go skiing instead. My mom always made the best lunches EVER!
  • Running over/Skidding on Rattle Snakes with the 3-wheeler. Enough Said.
  • Hopping over fences and going through rusty “treasures” and ending the day early because you stepped on a nail and have to go get a tetanus shot.
  • Having your parents drop you off in “Town” so you could go Trick-or-Treating with your friends. Being able to circle Drummond TWICE, and NOT having to check our candy before we ate it.
  • SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS~ I remember waking up before the sun even came up and sitting 6 inches away from the TV waiting for the blue screen to turn off and the cartoons to start. I remember talking to my dad as he laced up his work boots and him laughing at me as I shook with excitement. None of this Cartoon Network crap!

There are many things I can’t think of right now but those are a few I have been thinking about over the past week or so. Do you guys have any thing that you did as a child that you would never let your kids do? If so, leave me a comment.

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