Wednesday, June 23, 2010

VOTE!! Boy VS Girl

We need your help!

Brian and I are having a hard time guessing what we are having. Brian thinks it is a girl but I can honestly say I have NO IDEA!!! To help me I have added a Poll to the right side of our blog. Please leave your 2 cents and help me decide what we are having! We don't find out until our 20 week appointment on July 20th. (if we can wait that long! We could go to the mall and find out early. But we are really going to try to wait) Here is some info if you need help deciding.

  • I have been REALLY MORNING SICK (all day sick is more accurate)
  • I am starting to show but I would say I am carrying more on the middle to low side
  • Baby is Due in December
  • I have been living on Tomatoes and Chicken Soup



  1. Dear Heather,
    I'd really like to vote but unfortunately I'm not getting a specific vibe from you. I can usually tell and I am usually right but in your case I can't figure it out. So my guess is that you're either having a hermaphrodite or twins. That's all I got!
    Love, Stacie

  2. um...neither one of those options are very appealing to me! But I would much rather get twins than a HESHE!!!

  3. I've heard girls give you morning sickness really bad in the beginning....
    But who knows.
    I do have to (apologetically) give my two cents with the whole mall thing.... Cody and I wanted to, but when we were at the actual dr. they had a flier that discouraged going to the mall. The reason they do the ultrasounds is to make sure the baby is developing right - not to find out the sex, that's just a bonus. And they really only ever want to have to do it once.
    I also know that a lot of people DO go to the mall... but I dunno, better safe than sorry. And a couple more weeks isn't too bad ;)

  4. Whitney I totally agree, better safe than sorry. I had also heard that about the ultrasounds at the mall, plus I figure we have waited this long already what is a few more weeks? I also think that appointment with the doctor will be more exciting if we wait. Did your mom come with you to that appointment or was it just you and Cody?
