Friday, October 8, 2010

2 Months From Today....

I could be a MOM!

(To be honest I will probably go at least a week over my due date, but keep your fingers crossed!!)

2 months = 8 weeks = 60 days = 1,440 hours = 86,400 minutes
That is the equivilant of
Watching 2,880 episodes of Seinfield
24 Hours of church
4 Wednesdays I get off
2 Visiting teaching visits
1 Halloween
1 Thanksgiving
7 Broncos Games
1 Trip to Montana
6 Tanks of Gas
1 Birthday (I'm turning the big 23!)
4 Pay Checks
6 Doctors Visits

Anyway, you get the idea! The end of my pregnancy is coming so fast! I am feeling many different emotions right now. I am very excited, overwhelmed, nervous, and sad all at the same time. I am excited to meet my little man, kiss his chubby cheeks, hold his little hand, and see my wonderful husband hold our son. I am overwhelmed by everything I still have left to do to be ready for him, and all of the holidays between now and then. I am nervous for the delivery, and all of the unknowns that go with it. I am nervous to be a new mom, and worry about all kinds of silly things. I am a little sad, for the last 7 months I have had a constant companion. He has gone everywhere I have gone, eaten all the food I have, he has felt all of the stress I have felt, and cheered me up when it seemed I had nothing to smile at. I know that sounds silly, and I really couldn't be more excited to be a mom and to watch him grow, but I really am going to miss having this special relationship with him.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE how you are counting down.. I was the same way!!! haha!! You never know if you'll go over your due date or not! ppl told me that I was going to go a week or so over, because I wasn't dialated or effaced the week before I was due.. Sure enough, I had my baby 1 1/2 days after my due date! Gotta Love it! I guess its up to your lil' guy when he wants to come :) No worries Heather, You're going to be a Great Mom!!
