Friday, August 13, 2010

Cancun, better late than never!

So our trip to Cancun, Mexico back in May was the bomb-digity! We did lots of fun things such as:

  • Flying Standby

  • Sleeping overnight in the L.A. Airport (twice!)

  • Flying 1st Class

  • Leaving the continental United States for the 1st time (for both of us)

  • Having to wear the same clothes 3 days in a row because our luggage went to Atlanta instead of Mexico

  • Laying on the Beach

  • Being waited on hand and foot

  • getting lost downtown Cancun (neither of us speak spanish btw)

  • having very nice Mexicans take pitty on us dumb non-spanish speaking Americans and helping us find where we wanted to go.

  • Throwing up in the Ocean (that was just me, thanks again morning sickness)

  • Snorkeling
  • Visiting Mayan Ruins

  • paying $3 for a can of Mountain Dew (Brian swears it was worth it)

  • Swimming

  • Making new friends

  • Feeling like newly weds again

  • Taking the Bus (we thought we were going to die! Drivers are crazy there!)

  • Sun Burns

  • Sleeping in

  • Painting Ceramic Crafts

  • Collecting Sea Shells

  • Walking on the Beach hand in hand

  • Shopping at the Flea Market

  • Seeing Iguanas EVERYWHERE!

  • Watching Sunrises and Sunsets on the balcony

  • Drawing in the White Sand

  • Making AMAZING Memories with my Best Friend :)
The view from our room

Jungle surrounds you and Iguanas are EVERYWHERE!

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