Brian and I went to see Dr. Haskett for the first time last week.
This is Dr. Haskett

How did I choose my OB you may ask? Well I will tell you. I looked up all of the OBGYN's that are covered by my insurance, and then slimmed it down to the OBGYN's that Deliver at American Fork Hospital. I found Dr. Haskett as well as a few others. I looked them up and checked their qualifications, and read all of the reviews on I had it down to Dr. Haskett and Dr. Jones who is in the same office. But out of the 2 of them Dr. Haskett is better looking which led me to thinking, I believe that Good Looking Doctors deliver Good Looking Babies, so using that logic why wouldn't I pick the Handsome one? When we went in to my Appt. on Thursday I was pleasantly surprised because he is even more handsome in person than he is in his picture. He is a young silver fox and he has a BEAUTIFUL family.
Dr. Haskett's Nurse is named Hailey. She is so cute! I had met with her before and she just has a way of putting me at ease. I can tell that she really cares and listens to what I am saying. She was asking me if I was feeling better now that I am out of the 1st Trimester, and I told her that I was still super sick and throwing up 1-2 times daily. That paired with the fact that I have lost 22 pounds in the last 8 weeks made her really concerned. She talked to Dr. Haskett and he wanted me to be tested for dehydration. So I had to drink a whole bottle of water before I left my appointment so I could give them another sample. (which I totally almost pee'd my pants when Dr. Haskett was doing the Ultra Sound because my bladder was full and he was pushing on it!) Anyway here are the pictures of the 1st time we ever saw our baby!
(please excuse the poor quality of the pictures, this is the picture of the pictures I took with my cell phone)
*Disclaimer* I may call the baby "HE" but we don't know what the baby is, and we won't know for another 6 weeks. So don't get too excited! :)

This is when Dr.H was measuring how big Baby M is. Baby M measured at 13 weeks and 1 Day when this was taken. Baby M is about the size of a peach . (you can't really see the head in any of these pictures because Dr.H said Baby's head is angled toward the back of my uterus)

In this picture Dr.H was measuring how fast Baby M's heartbeat is. It is beating 176 Beats Per Minute. (which is perfect) where the line going vertical intersects with the horizontal line is where the heart is. Baby's head is on the left side of the vertical line, it is the little dark circle. And our baby was laying on its tummy in this picture with the body on the right. Brian's sister Tonya pointed out to us that you can see Baby's little legs bent with the little foot in the air! Just as if baby is just lounging around in there, I must be pretty comfy!!

This is when our baby got irritated! He started to wiggle and roll over onto his back and stick his legs straight up in the air! The legs are a faint line, but you can tell our baby definitely has my hips already! (poor thing)

In this one our baby has his back to us like he was mad we were looking at him and bugging him! You can see the little baby Bum on the right with his 2 little legs all stretched out! It was so fun to see Baby-M moving around, and wiggling and showing us a little bit of his personality!
I was so excited to finally get to see my baby, because I have been so bloody sick, and seeing my baby so healthy and happy made it all worth it! But I wish I could tell the Baby that I would still be comfy if I felt good!
At the end of the appointment they tested me for dehydration and I was REALLY DEHYDRATED! Dr.H wanted to send me to the ER for IV FLUIDS but I didn't want to pay for an ER Visit so he agreed to let me go to the IV Lab at AF Hospital the next day. ( I will post about that later) Dr.H said that if I come in at my 17 week appointment and I am still dehydrated he will hospitalize me. So right now I am trying to drink as much water as I can without throwing up!
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