She won the grand prize in our office...lets just call it "raffle". The Grand Prize was a week in one of Dr.Wise's condos anywhere she wanted to go in the world....well many a moon past and Liz decided that she couldn't go on the trip. She being the wonderful person that she is, asked me if I would want it. My answer was something along the lines of "Are you freaking kidding me?! Of COURSE I WANT IT!!!" So a trip to Sushi later, the deal was done.
Now all I had to decide was where to go? Well somewhere sunny and with a beach instantly came to mind. But that describes a lot of places in the world ya know? So with some discussion with Dr. Wise I decided that CANCUN, MEXICO sounded pretty awesome.

So after finding a week that we could trade for, and seeing the pictures of the beach/pool area I was sold! I went home to ok it with the Hubby. Brian being the difficult person he is said, "Whatever you want babe." The next morning I practically skipped to work. When Dr.Wise got there we got on the computer to do the paperwork, and DUM DUM DUM....the week that was available the day before was now gone. :(
We then looked at other places in Mexico, but Alas I had my heart set on Cancun...2 days later we checked for a condo in Cancun again and, Hip, Hip, Hooray, there was another one available. It is a little smaller room, but all Brian and I need is a bed, a potty, a shower, and Air Conditioning. This room has ALL 4!!!
This is a picture of the place we will be staying, The Royal Islander

I am so excited, neither Brian nor I have ever been out of the Continental USA. We already applied for our Passports and should have them in 3-4 weeks. We also got an awesome deal on our flights because my Brother George works for Delta Airlines. For our wedding present George and Cami told us we could get cheap flights and 2 & 1/2 years later we are using it!! While we are in Cancun we are going to go on a tour in Chichen Itza and it looks amazing!
Anyway I can't wait to go and I will post lots of pictures! So I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to LIZ for letting us go on her vacation and George & Cami for hooking us up with the flights to get us there!! Thanks so much & I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! We will be leaving Saturday May 22nd and coming back on the 29th. Let the countdown begin, 53 DAYS AND COUNTING!!!
How fun! I can't wait to see pictures!
ReplyDeleteWhit, someday lets take a Vacation together!!
ReplyDeleteThat's going to be a blast... Cancun is simply wonderful :) you'll come home looking hot and tan!!