Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Fun!

This early part of summer has already been eventful. Here are a few picture of our Handsome Man Andrew trying some fun new things!
This is Andrew Hanging Out in his swimming trunks; and oh so EXCITED to go Swimming at Uncle Shaun/ Aunt Melissa's House for the 1st Time!

Momma and Andrew Relaxin in the pool. Andrew loves his little swim boat with sun shade.

Cousins Payton, Tyson (not pictured), and Jordan had fun towing Andrew around the pool.

Milestone: Andrew rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time on May 18 2011!

I just love his little physique! LOL!

And how cool are his swim shorts? They have a built in swim diaper! Hooray for not having to buy "little swimmers"... Although I may feel differently if I had to clean it, but as for now I have been lucky enough to not have to clean any "Surprises" out of it yet! (knock on wood!!)

Andrew is also pulling himself into a crawling position, and has started to do the "rock". Unfortunately his arms have not gotten the memo on how to go forward, he rocks and ends up going backwards! So he will grunt and get a little upset because the toy he is going for keeps getting father away. It is pretty funny. I have had to start laying a big blanket on the floor because if I don't he ends up with big rug burns on his knees. I am nervous because at this rate he will be crawling in no time! AAHHHH! My house is so NOT baby proof, I guess I better get a move on!

Andrew went in for his 6 month check up and here are his stats:

Ht: 2 ft 2.5 in (54th %) Wt: 17 lbs 10 oz (54th %) HC: 43.5 cm (43rd %)

Oh and I almost forgot, Grandpa Tom took Andrew out to see the horses for the first time, He loved the way they felt, he just kept petting them. He is one lucky little man to have so much fun stuff to do and so much awesome family to do it with!<

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics Heather! He's such a cutie, LOVE his swimming outfit!
