Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So Andrew has the worst Yeast infx/Diaper Rash I have ever seen! I have taken him to the Doctor 3 times, tried 3 different medications, and switched formulas. I have tried sits baths, leaving him naked all day to dry, and I am at my wits end. He is so happy until I have to change him and then he just cries the saddest cry you have ever heard! Every time it starts to look a little better he takes a nap, poops while he is sleeping, and it is super sore all over again. Sometimes it even bleeds! He is such a good baby, I just don't think it is fair that he has to suffer like he is. Makes me cry. So if anyone has had to deal with this before and has any advise I am ALL EARS!
Doesn't his smile just melt your heart?


  1. oh my goodness, poor baby!! Evie has been lucky with no diaper rashes! My sisters daughter has gotten them a few times, and I love using "destin cream!" I'm not sure if you have used it, but it has worked wonders for us.. hope Andrew gets better soon!

  2. Thanks for the advise, we tried the Destin but to no avail. We finally were so frustrated after trying everything and it was still bleeding, so we decided to give him a priesthood blessing. 30 minutes after they gave him the blessing it was barely even red! We haven't had a problem since. Gotta love the Priesthood. :)

  3. oh, thats so awesome! Priesthood Blessings do amazing things! Glad he is better :)
