Thursday, November 4, 2010

He Thinks He is a Human!

Prepare yourself for a random post...

I never thought I would be one of those people that posts about a pet but here I go...

So my mom has this Long Haired Tea Cup Chahuahua....His name is Puppy-Puppy (it is kinda messed up because he will never get any bigger than a puppy) anyway, he has always been treated like a human, and I don't think he understands he is actually a dog. Ever since my mom moved in with Brian and I he is always following us around (while my mom is at work) Well the other day Brian and I were watching a movie and laying on the couch, and I looked on the floor next to the couch and saw that Puppy-Puppy was using one of our throw pillows as a pillow. Just like a person would! He was just laying there watching T.V. too! It cracked me up so I took a picture....Enjoy!


  1. I love that his name is Puppy-Puppy. Too funny!

  2. Yeah, my mom thinks she is HILARIOUS!!

  3. Connor and I have a lil tea cup pomeranian, and he does that alot! He loves Evie boppy pillow as well... dogs can be sooo silly! :)
