Thursday, November 18, 2010


So have I told you how AMAZING my husband is lately?? Well, he is pretty much the greatest thing since indoor plumbing! Why? you may ask... Well let me tell you....

I am 9 months pregnant, very uncomfortable, and still working full time. I work at a Doctors Office, and tonight we are the doctor that is "on call" for our call group. (a call group is a bunch of docs in the area that take turns seeing each others patients "after hours" aka after 5 o'clock pm.) So what that means for me, is about an 14 hour day. Well this afternoon to my surprise in walks my wonderful husband with these in his hand.

Aren't they B~E~A~U~T~I~F~U~L??
Well, can I just tell you that it made me feel like a million bucks. I got a great big smile on my face and immediately started to cry. (I am not going to blame it on being pregnant because I was so touched that I know I would have cried no matter what) I hadn't even read the card yet, but it just made me even happier. (which equaled more tears) this is what it said,
No he didn't misspell Wife, it is a little joke we have and he calls me his "Wif" and I have called him my "Superman" for as long as I can remember. He is always doing sweet little things for me, and leaving random love notes around the house where he knows I will find them. I don't think he will ever know how much it means to me and that it completely makes my day. I am so lucky to be married to such a wonderful man for all time and eternity! He is my very best friend, and I am so grateful for him.

I love you Superman!

1 comment:

  1. aw! what a sweetheart!!! I can't believe how close you are, I can't wait for your baby to come :)
