Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's Laminated

At work the girls and I were recalling this episode on F.R.I.E.N.D.S. where they "The List" of Celebrities that it would be OK to kiss or ... even if they were in a relationship.

That conversation spawned a similar thing. We wondered who would be on our Kiss list if it was of Top Ten Disney Male Characters (and we were a cartoon too of course)

so after much anticipation, in no particular order here is my

Disney Kiss List:

  • Hercules (Hercules)
    He is such a nice boy with fun and loving parents. It also doesn’t hurt that he has a Handsome face behind those rippling pectorals!
  • General Shang (Mulan)
    He is so tough, can sing, and is sweet when you get to know him. Oh and he is the first Asian Man I have ever been attracted to.
  • Tarzan (Tarzan)
    He wears a loin cloth, is ripped, and can slide down trees and swing on vines like its nothing. I usually don’t like dreadlocks, but somehow they work on him!
  • The Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
    Let me be VERY CLEAR when I say “BEAST” I do NOT mean the sissy man he turns into at the end. I am pretty sure I could beat him up.
  • John Smith (Pocahontas)
    Great Hair, nice body, he is open minded, and has Mel Gibson’s voice, what’s not to love?!
  • Prince Eric (Little Mermaid)
    He is handsome, adventurous, loves dogs, and has a great laugh/smile
  • Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
    He has awesome fashion sense (hello, I love his hat w/feather and cape) And he fights a freaking dragon, No other Prince has to fight anything that scary! (except for Aladdin but he is not a prince)
  • Shrek (Shrek)
    I know he is boisterous and uncouth but that is all part of his charm. Plus I think he is kinda handsome in a very ogre-y way.
  • Prince Charming (Cinderella)
    I love that he can dance, and that he will search high and low for his gal. Plus who doesn’t love a man in uniform? (He almost didn’t make my list because I think he could have narrowed down the girls he was trying the shoe on to only blondes under the age of 30. Or maybe under 180 lbs, or possibly by shoe size. Why make fat girls with big feet try on that stupid skinny girl shoe? Also I question his masculinity because he can’t seem to remember anything about Cinderella other than her shoes)
  • Aladdin (Aladdin)
    I know that even if we lost everything and had to live on the streets he could support us. Plus he has a lovely vest and a cute pet Monkey! (not to mention the genie friend)

    * Honorable Mention *
  • Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) He is very good looking, strong, he hunts, is the life of the party, and even sings! But alas, he has all those things going for him, but he is covered with hair and he chooses to be a jerk. A lot of girls are attracted to men that treat them like crap so I don’t think Gaston is ever lonely.

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