Friday, May 7, 2010

Sick Sick Sick

*DISCLAIMER* If you currently have, or previously have had a tumor I apologize in advance!

Have you ever seen the show, "I didn't know I was Pregnant"? Well I have, and I honestly believed these women. that they had no idea until one night they get up to go to the bathroom and *POP* out comes the baby in the toilet... I am here to say they are BIG FAT LIARS!! There is no way on God's Green Earth that they really don't know they are growing a person inside them. Being pregnant is like having a Tumor....
  1. There is a "Growth" that is sucking all of your energy
  2. You Vomit ALL OF THE TIME (p.s. "morning sickness" is a lie, it is All Freaking Day Sickness!)
  3. Some of your hair falls out
  4. You are so tired and weak that all you want to do is sleep
  5. Headaches
  6. Nausea
  7. Bloating
  8. Emotions are out of control

Pretty much I am shocked that more Women (or unsuspecting husbands) don't die from this... Because that is how I have felt for the last 10 weeks. The good news is, my Doctor told me that a lot of women start to feel better after you are 12 weeks along. So that is what I am holding onto! Only 2 more weeks of feeling like junk all of the time, then Wah-La! I will get that pregnancy "glow" everyone talks about! It will be a nice change from glowing green all of the time! lol~ Oh and we go to Cancun 2 weeks from tomorrow! We are very excited, and Brian is hoping that I am not sick while we are there, because that would definitely put a damper on our fun in the sun!!


  1. I watched that while I was pregnant and I thought it was quite rediculous as well. Just wait until you can feel the baby rolling around, kicking you in the ribs and keeping you up all night. How the crap don't they feel that?! They must have all been extremely unaware of their own bodies, which baffles me.
    You should feel better soon. And it should last for about 3 or 4 months!!! To me that was the enjoyable part of the pregnancy, because you don't feel like poo and you are still pregnant :) I still am way excited for you guys!

  2. Thanks Whit!! 3 to 4 months of feeling good? That sounds marvelous! I am so excited to start to feel the baby move...I think then it will start to feel really "real" ya know? Oh and I am trying to do kinda a modified version of your glitter toes today! I am very excited!!
