Monday, May 10, 2010


"Cousins are just Sisters God forgot to give us"

There must have been something in the air this year...

There are so many people having babies this year! I am really excited because I have always thought that by the time I started having kids they would have no cousins to play with. That has been so upsetting for me because I love my cousins!

In fact my cousin Jessica has been my best friend for YEARS! We always talked about how we are connected at the hip, and that wasn't too far off base. I rarely remember having sleepovers with anyone else but her (and Kaylie Palmer) and whenever we were in trouble we were usually together! (I can still hear my Aunt Edie yelling, "HEATHER LEE....JESSICA LYNN!!!!!" it is so terrifying!) When her family was going through a rough time I was there for her, and when my dad had cancer and my family was struggling she was there for me. We were there for each other at a time when we both felt completely alone. We were then roommates at USU and I honestly don't know what I would have done without her. I mean my Pilonidal Cyst wasn't going to pack itself! (also a shout out my other roommates kiri and Ashley for being the spread-ers) We went to class together, partied together, wrote our missionaries together, and when we had nothing else to do we studied together! lol We were both each other's "Maid of Honor" at our weddings (to the missionaries we wrote at USU by the way) and I was able to be in the temple with her when she was endowed and when her and Mac were sealed for all time and eternity. (she was at the temple when I was married but couldn't come inside yet.) In fact the day Brian and I were sealed we forgot our Marriage License at home in Orem and Jess had to run to my house, grab it, and drive it all the way to the Jordan River Temple so we could get married! I know that no matter where we live, or where we go, we will always be best friends. I firmly believe that the only reason we are COUSINS instead of SISTERS is because there is no way either one of our moms could have handled both of us! ha ha

Anyway enough of that tangent and back to my reason for for this post. Brian's Brothers Jeremy and his wife Karen as well as his brother Ben and wife Cassie are having babies this year! Karen is due the end of August and Cassie is due the end of September, then me in December. Also Brian's BFF from the mission Nathan and Angela are due in December and my BFF Ben and Crystal are due in November! Lots and Lots of babies! I have more friends that are due this year too but I can't remember when! lol anyway I am so very excited because even though my family is pretty much finished having babies, my baby will still have cousins, and what a blessing that truly is!


  1. I am so happy to have discovered you "blog stalking" me! j/k, but really, I'm excited to keep up with your blog. I am also super excited about you having a baby! And can I just say, I hope it's a girl!?! Everybody I know right now that is pregnant is having a boy. Trust me, the first one to have a girl is going to get something super cute from my store, ShicShoppe!

  2. I am a blog stalker, and I am for sure going to try your black bean salsa! Is it bad that I hope I have a girl just so she can get something from the shicshoppe?! I look at your stuff on etsy and wish I had a girl to buy a skirt for! I wish I had that talent...sadly me and sewing (unless it is a quilt) do not mix very well! Oh an PS your girls are SO FREAKING CUTE! If my kids are half as good looking, I will be thrilled!!
