Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Playing Dress Up

Today, as I was walking through our office at work, the backdrop/screen saver on Tina's computer caught my eye. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. First warm fuzzies started to form, then I laughed, then I felt a little disturbed, then angry, and finally settled on something along the lines of, "what the hell?". The 1st one is the actual picture of what I saw. Then there are a few more examples, for your twisted enjoyment.

Why do people do this to their pets? It seems like torture to me, but it is always people who don't just love their pets, they LOVE THEIR PETS!! Dressing your pet up is like a Train wreck for me, you don't want to and you know its wrong, but you CAN'T HELP BUT WATCH! It is really like a 5 step plan for confusion.

  1. warm fuzzies
  2. laughing
  3. disturbed
  4. angry
  5. "what the Hell?"

No matter who you are, we are all at some point in the 5 step plan. Some people stop at 1 others at 3, but I feel all 5 every time I see one of these animals. Its kinda exhausting! What step are you on? What are your thoughts on playing dress up with your animals? Let me know!


1 comment:

  1. Well... I have no animals, but there's a reason for that. First off, I can barely dress myself some days, do you really think I'd be able to dress my PET? Though I must admit I would probably try to at least do it once. But after suffering a severe bite from my dear loved one, I would quickly learn that they probably didn't like it. There for I'll say I've completed the 5 step program, and am stuck on step numero.. 5 "what the ....??"
