Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the Beginning...

Hello, my name is Heather, and I Blog-Stock people. Whoa, that feels great to get off of my chest! I have had a lot of people tell me that I should Blog. I don’t think that I am a very talented writer (even though it does run in my family) I am pretty sure when they were handing out that talent, they must have run out before they got to me! Anyway, I have decided that my life is CRAZY and maybe it might be therapeutic for me to write down the MADNESS. If you are still reading this, there are a few things that you should know:

  • If you are looking for a grammatically correct blog, this is not for you
  • I am not politically correct, I will try not to offend you, but it is my blog and if you don’t like what you read, stop reading
  • There is a good chance that this blog may not make sense, things that go on in my head often don’t

Now that you know what you are getting yourself into, Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy the ride.


  1. I felt like responding with "Hi Heather" as if we are both in a blog stalking therapy group because I do the same thing. I'm so glad you are blogging though, I'm excited to get to stalk you now too :)

  2. ha ha you are funny. I am glad I am not the only stalker! Thanks for being my "follower" by the way! love ya!

  3. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Angela I am so glad you are excited! Makes me feel good!

  5. Look. Do you see This?? *waving my hand around my face* this is me not judging you for blogging more than once a day. GO!
