Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why can't people listen?

Do any of you work in a position where you deal with the public on a regular basis? If so maybe you feel my pain.

Just a question, does the phrase, "And what is your childs first name?" sound anything like, "what is your childs date of birth?"????? Or why do people automatically assume that I am asking a different question than I actually am. For example, when I ask a Mom or Dad what THEIR first name is (so I can pull the chart, because each family is filed under the parents names) and the parents are like, "oh you mean my child's name?" or they just tell me their kids name again and I have to say, "No, what is YOUR name?" I ask these questions probably a thousand times EVERY DAY as well as many other mundane questions and I swear to you, People do not listen!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you're saying my friend! I often say "what is your child's first name" and then "what is your child's birthday?" and when I say it I think it sounds similar, but then again, I can't say "lone peak pediatrics" either!
