Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My B.F.F. is having a B.A.B.Y.!!!

See this beautiful girl right here...

Well she is kind of a big deal. She is my Cousin/Best Friend/Old Roommate/and Sister God forgot to give me. She is many things, Singer, Comedian, Smart, Hard Working, Fun, Beautiful, Crazy, Loving, Loyal, Righteous, Fisher, True Aggie, Hunter, Aunt, Friend, Cousin, Sister, Daughter, Honest, Wife, and SOON TO BE MOMMY!!!

Jess and I are 5 months apart in age, and grew up together. We often joked about being joined at the hip, and even in College that was kind of true. She is due May 14th and I couldn't be more excited! My baby is Due in December and so our babies will be 5 months apart too! We have so much fun together. And no matter how long we have been apart, when we get together it is just like old times. We have been there for each other through pretty much every big event in our lives and now we get to experience Motherhood together as well. Anyway here are some pictures of a few Adventures we have had together.


One of many road trips between Logan and Montana

Waiting as the 1st peeps in line for the Goo Goo Dolls Concert

Jess and Mac's Wedding

Outside the Temple at our Cousin Stephanie's Wedding

There are many more photos of us, but these are just the ones I had on my cell phone. Also I am laughing at how much we do the "Blue Steele" Look from Zoolander...ha ha I love you Jess!

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