Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Montana Trip

I went to Montana over the weekend for a visit. I haven't been home since April when we went up for Easter. I had to go before the end of October because Dr. Haskett won't let me travel after Halloween! I went by myself because the only weekend I could go happened to be the weekend of the yearly Deer Hunt here in Utah. Brian loves to go and shoot at Bambie, and I love to eat Bambie's so I didn't mind that I had to go by myself. I didn't however, like the idea of the 8 and 1/2 hour drive it takes to get there, or the cost of gas for me to drive alone! Lucky for me my brother George works for Delta and I can FLY standby from Salt Lake City to Butte for $80+tax round trip! And did I mention it is only an HOUR FLIGHT?! Yeah, I was sold. So Thursday night Brian dropped me off at the airport and I flew into Butte where my Dad picked me up. This is my dad:

Isn't he awesome?! Ha ha this picture makes my day!

I spent the weekend mostly relaxing, and just enjoying my daddy-daughter time, as well as my time with Corey, Glenna, Alexys, Alecia, Sierra, Sabrina, and Samuel. Some things I learned from the kids are, 1. it is cool to wear different colored socks 2. there is no such thing as "virgin beer" ha ha

When dad was driving me back to the airport Monday morning we hit a patch of black ice on an overpass and almost rolled the truck. In fact I don't know how we didn't. I have to chalk it up to my dad's amazing driving skills,his dangerous road condition experience...oh and Heavenly Father protecting us had a little something to do with it. I wasn't wearing a seat belt (it wouldn't fit around my belly) and It could have been very, very bad....Good News, we didn't crash, I didn't die or have a baby, and I made it to the airport in time to catch my flight home.
I had a blast and the next time I go to Montana I will have both my Husband and my Son with me!

Here is just a little taste of Montana Beauty driving to Corey & Glenna's House.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, anytime you want a Montana roadtrip buddy, I'm up for it!
